24 X 7, Medical Service
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The management team at SMART Medical Centre believe in bringing improvements to people’s faces thereby instilling a lot more confidence and positivity in them. The Doctors team at SMART Medical Centre strives hard to educate and make our patients understand their present condition, treatment, and improvements that they can achieve by undergoing these procedures.

Dr. Srinivasakumar

D.sc (HC), Post Doc, PhD, MD
Director & Chief Executive Officer

Mr. T. Chandra das

Director & Chief Executive Officer

Mr. V. Raja Kumar

Director & Chairman

Dr. D.R. Samji

MPT (Cardio), FCR, MBA(HM),PhD
Director & Chief Operating Officer

Dr. Santosh Kumar Thangavel

MD (GEN.MED) Senior Consultant Physician & Diabetologist
Managing Director

Dr. Nigith P.V

MPT (Neuro) PhD
Director & Chief Liaison Officer


MPT (Ortho),PhD
Director & Chief Administrative Officer


The proposed healthcare model will have an impressive and robust execution platform, which ensures the fellow partners rights, financial stability and pride by;

1. Usage of the most recent medical services and Good Clinical Practice.
2. Team of top-rated healthcare professionals
3. Adoption of the latest technology
4. Economical packages
5. Preventive management and awareness

Further, Quality Neuro Rehabilitation unit with International expertise and standards to serve the patients / beneficiaries is continued to be a greatest challenge in Southern districts of TamilNadu and in Kerala. The limited expertise in ortho/trauma/neuro rehabilitation strategies proposed by the super speciality hospitals in the identified regions which is a real matter of concern and realtime challenge for bedridden patients. An existence of blood bank is also lacking in the indentified area for the social / public benefit. It is also commendable to note that there was no clinical satellite centre for the primary care for the super specialty hospital based in Thiruvananthapuram in the border sharing TamilNadu and Kerala. Thus it makes sense to orient an exclusive health care unit with advanced rehabilitation setup and other allied services in accordance with strong International pursuit and technical backgrounds to install in the identified area. Thus the hospital aims to run as a Multispecialty setup, fullfledged neuro / ortho/ cardio Rehabilitation unit, Blood bank, fully automated Clinical Laboratory, skill development and training Institute blend with collegiate education as per applicable regulatory norms.


SMART Medical Centre derived from its parent unit viz SpectraX Medcenter for Analytical Research and Training Pvt Ltd. A Spectra is simply the intensity of light being emitted over a range of energies. Nature makes beautiful ones we call rainbows. As Spectra the present company holds SEVEN directors with diverse expertise. SMART Medical Centre also focussed on SEVEN STAR Operational objectives:

  • To emerge as fully advanced and New-Gen Specialty- Tritiary Care hospital in India
  • SMART WALK- Global Centre of Excellence in Physio / Occupational Therapy Rehabilitation unit
  • Center for excellence in Helathcare Academics, Clinical Research & Skill Training
  • SMART LAB- Installation of Advanced Clinical Laboratory and to Launch a chain of "SMART Scan & Labs" across India & Blood Bank as Good Standing service for General Public
  • Primary referral / Satellite unit of few Major Super specialty Hospitals in Kerala & Establishment of Medical Informatics / AI unit for disease Prognosis.
  • SMART CARE- Home care services
  • Medical Tourism

Quality & Safety @ SMART

There are specific quality benchmarks which are important to know about when selecting a hospital. At SMART Medical Centre, we pay close attention to quality indicators, and as a result we are confident that we provide our patients with the safest possible environment. We will get you moving again as quickly, safely, and painlessly as possible. SMART Quality Assurance Standards are in line with National standards (NQA) which have been developed keeping in the specific requirements for public health facilities as well global best practices. Standards are primarily to assess the quality for improvement through pre defined standards and to bring up facilities for certification. Quality Assurance Standards are broadly followed as per the following "Areas of Concern"– Service Provision, Patient Rights, Inputs, Support Services, Clinical Care, Infection Control, Quality Management and Outcome. These standards are as per ISQUA accredited and meets global benchmarks in terms of comprehensiveness, objectivity, evidence and rigour of development.

Quality Policy

SMART is committed to provide ethical, reliable, high quality and cost effective health care services through care and compassion to ensure complete patient satisfaction. We continuously strive to improve the quality of our health care services by Adopting latest technology, regular training, Internal & External Quality Control Program For Laboratory.

Safety measures for patient care:

SMART follows the best of the clinical processes, hospital practices and safety precautions to protect our patients with care both physically and medically. We protect and safeguard our patients from any harm and infection and maintain the highest safety standards for a safe workplace for all. A patient safety management team committee is on the spot to oversee this.

SMART Management Team:

  • Shri. Chandra Dhas – Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Board of Directors - Builder, 30+ years of International experience in corporate affairs & Management
  • Dr. Santhosh Thankavel – Managing Director (MD), Board of Director / Chief Medical Officer- 20+ Years of Clinical Experience in Specialty Patient care
  • Shri. Raja Kumar – Chairman, Board of Directors (BOD) - Builder & developer, 30+ years of International experience in finance Management & Angel investment.
  • Dr. Samji DR – Member, Board of Director / Lead Cardio Therapist, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation / Chief Operating Officer (COO) - 15+ Years of Experience in Rehabilitative Science, Hospital Management & Marketing.
  • Dr. Jacob P Vimal – Member, Board of Director / Lead Ortho Therapist Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation / Chief Administrative Officer (COO) - 15+ Years of Experience in Rehabilitative Science, Hospital Administration.
  • Dr. Nigith PV – Member, Board of Director / Lead Neuro Therapist, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation / Chief Liaison Officer (COO) - 15+ Years of Experience in Rehabilitative Science, Planning & Patient safety.
  • Dr. K.P. Srinivasakumar – Member, Board of Director / Chief Strategic Consultant.- Academician & Network expert with 20+ Years of experience in Clinical Research and healthcare services.